If you create Registration Questions for your guests to complete when they register for your events, you can track their responses and manage follow-up actions using the Guest List.
Seeing a guest’s answers
This comments bubble icon appears on every guest row in your Guest List.
When guests have answered some or all of the Registration Questions you set for your event, the comments bubble icon appears yellow:
Clicking this icon opens up the Guest Responses panel, with that guest’s responses highlighted:
If a guest subsequently changes any of their answers (or opens and re-saves their previous answers), this bubble turns into a red circle. This is so you can easily track updates / changes to previous answers:
Now if you click on the red circle, the Guest responses panel will also include an 'Acknowledge Responses' button. Clicking this tells the system you have taken note of the recent changes to the guest responses, and it resets the bubbles icon to yellow.
Responding on behalf of a guest
If you know a guest's response(s) and wish to enter them on behalf of the guest, you can access their Guest Page using the 'Edit Guest Responses' button in their Guest Responses panel (see above).
Clicking this button will open their personal Guest Page in a new tab. From there, you can click their Registration Questions link and respond on their behalf. When you click 'Save', the responses will be save, the guest will receive an email confirming their responses, and the responses will display in the Guest Responses panel in your Guest List
Filtering guests by their responses
You can also filter all the guests in your Guest List in groups by their responses to the Registration Questions. Click on the comments bubble icon in the main toolbar to open up the Registration Questions Filter:
When filtering you have the option of filtering by responses (the answers guests have given), or filtering by ‘no responses’ (guests who have not given an answer to that question).
Using the above filter panel, here are some examples of selections and their results:
Select: ‘Filter for responses’ + ‘Beef’ = displays only guests who have selected ‘Beef’ as their response
Select ‘Filter for responses’ + ‘What is your meal preference?’ = displays only guests who have answered this question (any answer)
Select ‘Filter for no response’ + ‘Beef’ = displays all guests who answered ‘Chicken’ or ‘Fish’ AND all guests who did not answer this question at all
Select ‘Filter for no response’ + ‘What is your meal preference?' = displays all guests who did not answer this question
Uses of filtering by responses
Two of the most common uses for this filter are:
Finding guests who gave a specific response, e.g. ‘Fish’: if you need to let your venue know how many guests will require a certain meal-type for example, selecting ‘Filter for responses’ + ‘Fish’ displays all the guests who selected ‘Fish’.
Isolating all the guests who have not responded to a question, or not answered any of the Registration Questions. It is often useful to see who has NOT responded to a question, so that you can follow up with them if getting a response is important to you. Selecting ‘Filter for no response’ + ‘What is your meal preference?' displays all the guests who did not yet let you know their meal preference.
Exporting guests' responses
You can create a report of guests’ responses to your questions by exporting the Guest List to a csv file, as follows:
First filter the Guest List using the Registration Question filter to display only the responses / guests you need included in the report (e.g. a list of all guests who have selected ‘Fish’, as above).
Click the Export button in the toolbar:
3. In the export panel, select which guest fields you wish to include in the report and also make sure ‘Registration Questions & Responses’ is also checked; then click ‘Export’.
Communicating with guests about their responses
To answer Registration Questions after they have registered for your event, guests must access their ‘Your Registration’ page. They can get there by clicking the ‘Update My Information’ (Your Registration) button in their confirmation email, or by receiving a custom email from you with that button in it.
To quickly re-send a confirmed guest their confirmation email containing the ‘Your Registration’ button, click on their first name in Guest List to open their information panel. Then select ‘Save & re-send Email’; this will send them the last email they received from you - in this case their confirmation email.
To send a reminder email to a single guest, or a group of guests, who have not answered any of the registration Questions, you must create a Tag in Guest List to apply to them before creating a Custom Email for them, as follows:
- In Guest List, click the Tag icon in the Button bar and select 'Add New..."
- Name your Tag (e.g. 'reminders'), add a couple letters into the Short Name, and click Save (you can ignore the Guest Limit and Icon options fields)
- Use the Registrations Questions Filter to select ‘Filter for no response’ and the answer, question, or questions you require. This will display a list of only all the guests who have not yet answered you want to email.
- Select all those guests in the display by checking the ‘select all’ checkbox in the header row of your Guest List
- Click the Tag icon again and select the Tag you just created - it will be applied to the selected guests
- In Emails, select 'Send Announcement'. For the recipient options, choose 'Select Recipient by Type / Tag'. > Select the Tag you just created from the list of available options.
- When editing the content of your email, be sure to include the Your Registration Button macro from the 'Recipient Fields' dropdown.
- Send your email. These recipients will be able to click the button in the email to access their guest page and edit their Responses.
- To go back and un-Tag any guest, in Guest List select the guest, then click the +Tag button and select the Tag you want to remove. It will be removed from the guest if it was already applied.
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