Your event Register page can be completely customized to contain all the information you need to promote your event, as well as provide a means to register / purchase tickets. (If you haven't already, check out this article on customizing Register Page content, adding speaker bios, meeting agendas, etc.).
But there's another really powerful feature of your event register page that you might have overlooked: the event Register Page still works - even if it has no Packages available on it. In other words, you can still let people access your Register pages, with all event content, even if they can't register or buy a ticket on them. This is unique to Seatrobot.
Why have an event page no-one can register at?
Because it makes Seatrobot 'register' pages like stand-alone, mini-websites for your event.
For events you will only be inviting people to via emails, and not allowing online registrations or ticket purchases, you can toggle all Packages OFF, and the event Register Page becomes an event 'web page' for complete information on the event.
Even for events you will at some point allow people to register or buy tickets for, you can direct people to the event Register Page before you make tickets or registration available; think of the page as a teaser - or a website promoting the event counting down to when you toggle your Package(s) ON.
Maybe you don't know yet exactly what ticket packages will be available - or what you want to give to sponsors - but you still want to tell people about the event. Just use all the page building features in your event to create a great event web page, keeping all Packages toggled OFF - and when you're ready, toggle the Packages ON so they can register / purchase tickets. People can use the same page link the whole process.
Register Pages when the event is over
Another great application is for after your event (when your event appears in your 'Archived Events' area in Dashboard). Once the event is done obviously you don't want to sell tickets or get any more registrations. But you may often want to add post-event content: a video of the webinar, links to surveys and follow-up information, photos from the event itself; all of which people can share on social media. Plus, of course, all the still-active linked events that you do want people to register for are there on the page.
You can open up and edit all the Register Page content for archived events.
All Packages disappear by default - replaced by your event's cut-off message, which you can also edit on the Setup page.
And remember, archived events can also still be toggled on and off your Events Website and will appear under 'Past Events'.
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