If you are an Admin of an organization with Gold or Enterprise level Seatrobot subscription, you can access and customize the default emails that get pre-loaded into every event you create.
When you first set up your Seatrobot account, your email templates are all pre-set with default content that has been designed to work for most events and most organizations. However, you may want to change the language of your default emails, or add information, footers, disclaimers etc. that are specific to your organization.
When you customize and save an email template, that will be the new version that appears as the default in every new event you create. Most emails can be customized once again at the event-level to make them as specific to the particular event as necessary.
Customizing Templates
In the Admin section, click on the Emails Template page. Select any email from the list in the 'Choose A Template' button. The email will appear in the editing window. You can make changes to any of the wording and layout. Use the editing buttons to insert images, format fonts, add links etc.
Warning: The Email Templates include 'macros' or merge fields (the green-colored 'inserts' in the templates) that insert custom content like names, event information etc. automatically when the emails are sent from an event. You can delete and insert macros using the macro buttons in the email editor. Some emails include buttons and / or links from the 'Buttons and Links' dropdown for recipients to click. Be very careful when deleting or changing any of these links and buttons or else your emails may not contain vital content. See each Email Template description below for specific warnings.
Templates Guide
Default Invite
What's it for? this email is the default for events with a physical venue whenever you create an invite for contacts on the Emails page. It invites the guest and lets them accept or decline the invite by clicking a link in the email.
Content: any wording that you prefer to explain the event and invite a guest.
Required Buttons / Links: "RSVP Buttons (Accept / Decline)"
Default Invite - Online Event
What's it for? this email is the default for events you have set as online events whenever you create an invite for contacts on the Emails page. It invites the guest and lets them accept or decline the invite by clicking a link in the email.
Content: any wording that you prefer to explain the event and invite a guest.
Required Buttons / Links: "RSVP Buttons (Accept / Decline)";
Default Confirmation
What's it for? this email is the default for events with a physical venue going to any guest who clicks the accept link an invite to your event, or who registers for an event via the event’s Registration page. It also links to their personal registration page.
Content: any preferred wording to confirm successful registration / event details.
Required Buttons / Links: "Your Registration Button";
Default Confirmation - Online Event
What's it for? this email is the default for events you have set as online events going to any guest who clicks the accept link an invite to your event, or who registers for an event via the event’s Registration page. It also links to their personal registration page.
Content: any preferred wording to confirm successful registration / event details.
Required Buttons / Links: "Your Registration Button";
Duplicate Registration
What's it for? this email goes out to any guest who has tried to register using the Registration page for an event they are already registered for. It also links to their personal registration page.
Content: any preferred wording to explain their dupkicate registration attempt.
Required Buttons / Links: "Your Registration Button";
Waitlist Confirmation
What's it for? this email goes out to any guest who has tried to register to an event which is already fully subscribed. Either they clicked the 'Accept' button in an invite or tried to register at the Registration page - and were given the option of going onto the event waitlist. It explains that they have chosen to be added to the event waitlist and that you will add them should space become available.
Content: any preferred wording to explain that the guest is on the waitlist and will receive a confirmation email later if they successfully are added to the guest list.
Required Buttons / Links: n/a
Ticket Confirmation
What's it for? this email goes out to any guest who has purchased a paid ticket to one of your events. It explains the process by which they will be admitted to the event.
Content: any preferred wording to explain how your ticketed guest will receive admittance - will there be a paper ticket, will their name be at registrartion on the day, is this an online event with login details being sent closer to the event?
Required Buttons / Links: "Your Registration Button";
Multiple-Guest Ticket Confirmation
What's it for? this email goes out to any guest who has purchased a paid ticket package that includes multiple admittances to one of your events. It gives them access to Seatrobot so they can manage their seats, add guest information, invite other guests etc.
Content: any preferred wording to explain that your ticketed guest needs to go online to Seatrobot, create an account and manage their guest list prior to the event.
Required Buttons / Links: "Manage Reservation Button (Coordinators)";
3rd Party Coordinator Welcome
What's it for? this email goes out to a coordinator of a 3rd Party Invite: it explains their role as guest coordinator for their company's package of seats and gives them access to their Seatrobot account for management of their guests.
Content: any preferred wording to explain that the recipient is the coordinator of their company's guests at your event and that they should log onto Seatrobot to manage their guest list. The '3rd Party Coordinator Buttons (Yes / No)' give the recipient the option of declining to coordinate the event and nominating an alternate from their company.
Required Buttons / Links: "3rd Party Coordinator Buttons (Yes / No)"; or "Manage Reservation Button (Coordinators)";
3rd Party Coordinator Reminder #1
What's it for? this email goes out automatically to a coordinator of a 3rd Party Invite if they have accessed their Seatrobot guest management page but have not added or invited any guests after 5 days.
Content: any preferred wording to remind the recipient to log into their Seatrobot account to manage their guest list.
Required Buttons / Links: "Seatrobot Homepage" link;
3rd Party Guest Invite
What's it for? this email goes out to guests invited by the 3rd Party Coordinator from their Seatrobot guest management page and lets them accept / decline the invite to attend your event.
Content: any preferred wording, written on behalf of your 3rd Party Coordinators, inviting their guests to your event.
Required Buttons / Links: "RSVP Buttons (Accept / Decline)";
3rd Party Guest Confirmation
What's it for? this confirmation email goes out to guests who accept the invite sent out by the 3rd Party Coordinator from their Seatrobot guest management page.
Content: any preferred wording, written on behalf of your 3rd Party Coordinators, confirming their place at your event.
Required Buttons / Links: "Your Registration Button";
3rd Party Coordinator Finalize List
What's it for? this email goes out to 3rd Party Coordinators confirming your receipt of their final guest list. It is launched when the Coordinator clicks the 'Finalize List' button on their Seatrobot guest management page.
Content: recommended to leave basically as the default.
Required Buttons / Links: n/a
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