Seatrobot automatically inserts your organization's default email header image into all your event emails. To change the email header image for your specific event, in Emails click on the Email Header Image button and upload an email header image of your choice.
Images greater than 600px wide are re-sized with correct aspect ratio down to 600px. Images smaller than 600px wide are left as-is and centered above your email / web page.
You can add any image into the body of any email. Open the email you want to edit in Emails. Place your cursor into the appropriate position in your email and click on the 'picture' icon on the edit bar. Always click the 'Save' button before closing or leaving the page otherwise your changes will be lost.
Remember that some email programs may strip the images from your emails after you send them, so try not to display important event information like dates and times using images.
Tip: remember to send yourself a test email any time you edit one of these emails. Click the 'Send test email' button bottom left of the email editor.
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