Most issues that will be reported to you by guests trying to register or accept invites will be Internet-related. By this, we mean that something on the recipient's end is not working.
Seatrobot is a robust platform with over 99.99% uptime. If you set up your events correctly, invite people using the regular features, and distribute the correct registration links, it is highly unlikely that any issues your guests face will be due to some issue on your side.
On your guests' side though are many variables that are out of your (and our) control. These include Internet connection problems, company security systems, out of date web browsers, spam filters, wrongly-configured computers, un-supported devices etc. And, because Seatrobot allows you to deal personally with your guests and receive feedback, you will get to hear about people's issues.
Our experience tells us that on average about 1-2% of all the individuals your event touches will come across some Internet / web browser / security / firewall issue, especially if you are dealing with many corporate contacts. That's about 10-20 people per 1,000. You should expect to have to answer questions and offer solutions to these folks if you want to maintain a high level of service.
In this section are articles containing the most common issues your guests may report to you and how to help them get around them.
Remember - you will save a lot of time if you assume the issue is on your guest's side and help them fix it quickly and simply.
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