Yes. There are a number of ways to add guests who have told you they will attend your event to your Guest List. Select the best method for your situation:
1. A guest you have already sent an invite to tells you they are attending, but did not RSVP via the invite you sent them.
These guests will already appear in your event Guest List - but only as 'Outstanding' guests. Therefore they will not display when you first load your Guest List page (initial page load displays only guests who have RSVP'd)
To find the Outstanding guest in your Guest List either a) search for their name in the search field - this will return only the guest records which contain the search term you used or b) click on the Guest-Type Filter dropdown and select 'View Outstanding' as your page view. This will load all Outstanding guests.
When you have isolated the guest you wish to Confirm, select them by clicking the checkbox at the start of their row. Then click the 'Confirm' icon (the green 'Thumbs-Up icon in the control panel at the top). You will be asked to assign a Registration Button to their confirmation and be given the option of sending them a Confirmation Email.
2. I want to add contacts I have not already invited to my confirmed Guest List
The best approach is to Invite these individuals, and auto-confirm their invites at the same time. This uses Seatrobot's 'auto-confirm' feature. Basically, you go through the process of inviting an individual or a group of contacts - but rather than sending them an invite email, you 'auto-confirm' them. This adds them automatically as confirmed guests. You can also choose whether or not they receive confirmation emails.
The reason this process is best, is that it gives you the opportunity to assign the correct Registration Button to the guests you are auto-confirming.
To start, make sure you have an Invite Template created which has the correct Registration Button assigned to it (note: you cannot auto-confirm guests using an Invite template which has multiple Registration Buttons assigned to it).
Then, in Emails, select the Invite Template you want to use and begin to create an Invite as normal.
If you are adding an individual, or just a few individuals, use the 'Add A Contact' button to assign contacts to the Invite. If they are already in your Contacts database, use the search field to find them. If not, use the 'Add New Contact' link from the search field to add a new contact.
If you are adding a larger group of contacts, select 'Add Contact Lists' and select the mailing list from your Contacts database.
*Note: if you are attempting to auto-confirm a list of contacts from outside Seatrobot to your event, first upload them as a Contact List into your Contacts database. Then you can easily select this Contact List as the recipient list for this auto-confirm Invite.
After adding the contact or Contact List, click on the 'Auto-confirm guests / manage do-not-mail' link. This will display a list of all the contacts in the invite, along with checkbox options for 'Ignore' and 'Auto Confirm', as in the image below.
To select all checkboxes click on the words 'Auto Confirm'.
When done, click 'Save Changes'. Then schedule a launch time for your Invite and complete the Invite Launch. All contacts you marked 'Auto Confirm' will now appear in your Guest List as confirmed guests.
The Ignore checkbox prevents the contact from receiving emails. The Auto Confirm checkbox adds the contact as confirmed to the guest list and sends a confirmation email, unless the Ignore box is checked.
Using these checkboxes, you can specify whether a guest receives an invite and confirmation email, just a confirmation email, is ignored completely, or receives no emails but is added as confirmed to the guest list.
In the examples above,
Perry will be added to the guest list without an invite (Auto Confirm checked) but will receive a confirmation email ( Ignore unchecked)
Karla will not receive the invite and will not be added to the guest list (Ignore checked, Auto Confirm unchecked)
Kopnid was flagged in the Contacts database as 'Do Not Mail', so his Ignore checkbox was checked automatically and he cannot receive emails. By checking his Auto Confirm box he will be added as confirmed to the guest list.
Paul will also be added as confirmed to the guest list and will also not receive either an invite or a confirmation email (Ignore and Auto Confirm checked).
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