You can invite people to your event by sending them an Invite which includes an Accept / Decline button. Clicking the 'Accept' button automatically registers them for the event without their needing to fill in their personal information - and then re-directs them to a personal confirmation page.
Go to the 'Emails' page. From here you can create and send three types of emails - Invites, 3rd Party Invites and Announcements. To invite an individual or list of individuals to an event you create an 'Invite'.
Step 1. To create a new Invite, click the 'Send Invite' button.
Create an Invite Template
The first time you send an Invite to an event, you will have to create an 'Invite Template'. Click the 'Create Invite Template' link to show the Invite Template panel:
1. Give your Invite Template a name (one you will recognize when you wish to select this template again later).
2. Check the subject line of the email invite is ok
3. Select which Registration Button(s) you want this template to contain. If you select one button (or if your event only has one button), guests who accept this invite will automatically be registered with that Button. If you select multiple Registration Buttons, invitees who click 'Accept' will be allowed to select their registration button preference before completing their acceptance.
4. You can edit the content of the email as you wish. The green text boxes contain merge fields which Seatrobot will populate with relevant info from your event when the email is sent. Merge fields are available from the drop-down buttons at the top right of the email editor. To insert a merge field, place your cursor where you want it in the body, and then select the merge field from the drop down. To delete a merge field, place your cursor at the end of it and hit the backspace key.
Note: be careful not to delete the 'accept / decline buttons' merge field from your email - otherwise your invitees will have no accept / decline button to click when they receive the invite!
5. Check that the email body content (including all event merge fields) is correct.
6. If you want, you can send yourself a test email using the button in the footer.
7. Remember to Save your work!.
Once you have completed these steps you will see your Invite Template now appears in your Invite Templates list.
You can create as many Invite templates as you like - either to include different (combinations) of Register Buttons, or to have different email wordings.
Now, each time you create an Invite, you first select which Invite Template you wish to use.
Send an Invite
1. To send an invite, first click the 'Send Invite' button, and select an Invite Template to use. (The info icon in front of the Invite Template name will display the content of that Invite Template for your easy reference).
Note: before you can use an Invite Template you must have opened, checked / edited and saved your default Confirmation email (this is the email that its sent automatically to anyone who registers by accepting an invite or using the event Web Page to register. Click the "Default Confirmation" templates in the Manage Confirmation Emails panel to do this. Once opened and saved, it will display a green edited icon.
2. When you have selected an Invite Template, you will be asked to give your Invite an internal name for your own reference. Usually it's a good idea to name your invite something that reminds you of who the recipient was.
3. After that, the Invite Panel will display.
Create your Invite using the options above
Add recipients to your invite. You can add individual contacts or whole contact lists which are pulled down into the event from your CONTACTS section.
Edit the email if you want to for this Invite only. By default all your Invites will use the Invite text you saved in the Invite Template. If you need to though, you can edit the Invite email here and your edits will apply only to this specific Invite send.
Set a Launch time for your Invite. To send out the invite immediately, choose 'Immediately'. To set your invite to go out at a later date / time, select your preferred times from the drop-downs.
Clicking the green 'Launch' button will put your instructions into action. Clicking 'Hold' will save your invite in the History Table until you decide to launch it.
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