When a guest purchases a ticket for an event in Seatrobot, the TrustCommerce transaction ID is automatically added to the Guest List for the event. This transaction ID can be used to request an refund as needed
Example #1:
Jane is an event manager for a prenatal yoga class. A registrant named Betty, who signed up for one of Janes' classes, forgot that she was going out of town that week and would like a refund.
1. To view the transaction ID, Jane needs to find Betty in the Guest List of the prenatal yoga class she signed up for.
2. Jane enters the prenatal yoga class via the dashboard
3. She clicks on 'Guest List' in the top navigation bar (see Figure 1).
Figure 1
4. Then Jane finds Betty's name in the guest list table and hovers over the ticket icon next to her name. This is Betty's transaction ID (see Figure 2).
Figure 2
5. To start the refund process, Jane clicks on the ticket icon she is hovering over. This brings up the 'Ticket Details' modal, where Jane clicks the 'Issue refund' button (see Figure 3).
Figure 3 (placeholder)
Example #2:
Let's say Jane needs to issue Betty a refund, but Betty doesn't know which event she bought a ticket for. That's no problem because she can view Betty's event history via the 'Manage Contacts' feature in Seatrobot.
1. Jane accesses the events Dashboard and clicks on the 'Manage Contacts' button, denoted by an icon of three people. This is located tog the right of the 'New Event' button in the Dashboard (see Figure 4).
Figure 4
2. This opens up all the contacts listed for Jane's organization. From here, Jane lenters Betty's name into the search bar and clicks the Magnifying glass icon to search(see Figure 5).
Figure 5
3. When the contact has loaded, Jane clicks on Betty's first name in the contact list table (see Figure 6).
Note that Jane double-checks to make sure Betty's name matches the email she is requesting the refund from.
Figure 6
4. Betty's event history is located at the bottom of this page. The event history shows all the events Betty has attended in the past, and events she is currently registered for (see Figure 7).
Figure 7
5. From the Event History, Jane can find the name of the event Betty needs a refund for (see Figure 8).
Figure 8
6. Now all Janes need to do is follow the steps in example #1 to issue Betty her refund.
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