Seatrobot allows you to print badges from your Guest List, pre-formatted for a number of popular Avery badge card sizes, with just a few clicks.
To turn on Badging, check the 'Add Badging' checkbox in the Advanced panel on your SETUP page. This will refresh the page and a new BADGING link will appear int he main green manu bar at the top of the page
In the BADGING page, start with the SELECT GUESTS TO PRINT section, by selecting which guests or sub-groups of guests you wish to print badges for. You have the following options:
1. Filter by Tag
This dropdown displays all guest tags in your event. Selecting any of these will badge only guests with that tag
2. Guest / Empty Seats / All
Here you can select whether to print badges for Guests Only, Empty Seats Only, or All. Unless you have an event with Assigned Seating, you will usually select 'All'. If your event has assigned seating with reserved seats, you can choose to print badges only for confirmed guests, or only print badges to represent reserved, but empty seats.
Printing badges for empty seats can be useful when managing guest arrivals at a seated event. Each 'empty seat badge' represents a reserved seat at your event - perhaps reserved by a specific sponsor (3rd party events). The badge will display the owner of the reservation on the badge, so you can keep a physical track of what seats are available for which sponsors as people arrive.
Once you have selected which guests you will be printing badges for, you then define the size and content of the badges you will print in the BADGE LAYOUT section.
First, select the badge size you wish to print from the badge template dropdown:
The options include all major name badge sizes. The number refers to the Avery template number for sheets of badge card. Vertical is a standard size for many portrait-style conference badge inserts in long holders with lanyards.
From here you can also print a formatted guest list.
Next, select whether you would like to include table numbers and / or tags on the badges themselves. If you select tags, only those tags for which you have specified an icon (to replace the tag wording) in SETUP will be available to include on your badges.
Finally, select whether you would like your badge printing to be generated in order of last name (alpha), or in order of table number (lowest to highest).
When you have made all your selections, click the Generate Badges button. Your badges will appear pre-formatted for printing in the space below, including full name and company, plus table numbers and tag icons if you selected them.
You can print directly from your web browser, using the selected printer of your choice, onto the badge card stock you have chosen.
Note: when printing from your web browser, we recommend using Google Chrome. Also, in the browser's 'more settings' dropdown when printing, set margins to 'None'
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